01 Apr 2020

Virtual Options

You are a talent development professional, possibly working from home, and wanting to move forward with your talent review-succession plans and your leadership development.

What should you do? Multiple virtual options are already available to help you move forward:

  1. ATTEND A SHRM-HRCI WEBINAR: You can attend a live VIRTUAL Talent Review-Succession webinar course coming up on April 28-29 – this webinar includes the shipment of two books to you (The Talent Review Meeting Facilitator’s Guide and The 30-Minute Guide to Talent and Succession Management) and soft copy templates you can use on the job! You can find info at: www.TalentBenchstrength.com This webinar is only $299, and is SHRM and HRCI Pre-Approved for 6 ongoing educational hours.
  2. COMPLETE SHRM-HRCI TALENT-SUCCESSION E-LEARNING COURSES: Your virtual Talent Review-Succession training options include our full Talent Benchstrength-Succession E-Learning Course Platform, with 22 video-based courses and some downloadable templates you can use on the job! Here’s the thing…it’s such a bargain at $159 for a one-month subscription! Go to www.TalentBenchstrengthCourses.com to view the course topics.
  3. CREATE THAT TOOLKIT: What about that Talent Review-Succession toolkit or reference guide you’ve already been meaning to put together, to document your talent strategy, selection criteria, tools and processes? You should take advantage of our current 20% discount on licensing options for talent toolkit and presentation slides for your internal communications!Set up a phone meeting using link – Calendly.com/dorisspies or contact Doris at do***@ta*****************.com today!
  4. SCHEDULE A “REVIEW OF YOUR TALENT REVIEW” VIRTUAL SESSION: If you have completed at least two years of Talent Review-Succession meetings, you should now complete a virtual “Review of Your Talent Review” process with Talent Benchstrength Founder Doris Spies, who will review your talent strategy strengths and opportunities with you! Contact Doris at do***@ta*****************.com for more information.
  5. READ A BOOK: You might be finding this is a great time to read that book you’ve been wanting to read! Check out all talent management books authored by Doris Spies on Amazon at: https:// www.amazon.com/Doris-Sims-Spies/e/B002RZFL6O/ref=ntt_dp_epwbk_0 Or, purchase Doris’ books in DISCOUNTED RATES at: https://talentbenchstrength.com/shop/

You know, sometimes we as talent management professionals are not so great about developing ourselves (think physician, heal thyself) so now you should take time for your development actions!

Doris Sims Spies, SPHR – do***@ta*****************.com  www.TalentBenchstrength.com E-Learning Course Platform: www.TalentBenchstrengthCourses.com